Medjool Dates

"Fruit of the Kings"

Medjool Dates are one of the most popular varieties enjoyed for their natural sweetness and unique texture. They’re larger, darker, and more caramel-like in taste and chewy texture with hunts of vanilla flavour. They are considered the oldest cultivated fruit in the world, and is grown in abundance across the Middle East & Africa. Our Medjool dates are sourced from organic farms in north of capital in Saudi Arabia.

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" The Crown Jewel of Date Fruits "

Health Benefits of Medjool Dates

- Low in calories, high in fiber content; which helps you feel fuller for longer and packed with lots of energy

- High in antioxidants; Known to reduces cholesterol and risk of heart disease

- Concentrated source of natural sugars

- Regulates Blood Pressure

- Helps Kidney Function and digestion

- Rich in Calcium & Minerals; Helps keep bones and teeth in good health. It is considered a superfood fruit as it known to strengthen bones and fight off ailments.

- Immune boosting; contains antioxidants and natural sugars. It is beneficial for people suffering diabetes as it does not significantly increase blood sugar.

- Increases chance of fertility and regulates hormones; Helps with pregnancy

- High in nutrition and energy; Helps pacify any feelings of hunger

More Nutritional Facts